
Brightwalton C.E.Primary School

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PE and Sport Premium

Brightwalton School has always been enthusiastic about sports and this grant has enabled us to enhance provision and capitalise on individual and team strengths. We are committed to delivering extremely high quality PE and sport as part of our intention to promote wellbeing for all. Every child participates and all have an opportunity to represent the school in external competitions during their time here. We are so proud of the fantastic team spirit and good sportsmanship demonstrated by the children when attending all events. 

Unusually for a primary school, all children receive 6 terms of swimming instruction , between Year 2 and Year 4; this will be extended should a child not reach the requirements for the end of Year 6 by this time. In reality, many have far exceeded the competence required at the end of Year 6 and have gone on to acheive at a far higher level. Additionally we encourage very active break times, with a wide range of physical equipment and the chance to practice sporting skills such as netball, football and tennis. At Brightwalton School, we are quite rightly proud of the excellence of our PE and sport and in recognition of this, we hold the Gold School Games Award. 


The PE and Sports Premium Grant is used to fund additional and sustainable improvements to the provision of PE and sport, for the benefit of primary-aged children to encourage the development of healthy, active lifestyles. Foundations we have built up using this grant:

  • training to support working on a 'personal best', as this also raises the performance of the team
  • introduction of a very wide range of sports, including paralympic sports and alternative sports such as competition bowling
  • training staff to implement our new scheme of work  - Real P.E- which is for all pupils and supports the expectations of the  2014 National Curriculum
  • building up a wide selection of sporting clubs 
  • subscibing to the West Berkshire School Sports Partnership to access professional coaching and a wider range of competitions
  • appointing pupil Sports Ambassadors