
Brightwalton C.E.Primary School

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Service   Perseverance   Wisdom   Friendship   Trust


We believe that having secure values brings confidence and happiness in all areas of life. Knowing what we value in ourselves and others, helps us to behave and act in ways that make us feel good about ourselves - it feels like the right thing to do. Clear values also help us to treat others as we would wish to be treated by them.

Here at Brightwalton School, our Core Values are based within the Christian faith and have love as their foundation - love of God, love of others and love of self. They help us work towards our Christian Vision and have been selected through consultation with pupils, staff, governors and parents. Each one has a family of other values, which underpin and work in harmony with it.

While retaining a distinctive Christian character, they reflect and uphold key British Values to ensure that our children leave school prepared for life in modern Britain. Everyone is encouraged to regard and treat people of all faiths, races and cultures with mutual respect and tolerance, understanding that, within the context of democracy and individual liberty, different people may hold different views about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, but all people living in England are subject to its law. 

Our values are taught specifically through collective worship, PSHRE and RE. Indirect teaching through our ethos will be continuous and visible in our curriculum, expectations, management, language and relationships.


As individuals, we seek to give and receive trust, through showing our honesty and behaving with independence and responsibility.


In our school community, we use our respect and compassion for everyone, together with our capacity for forgiveness, to promote friendship.


For the wider world, we aim to use our wisdom to make good choices, so that there may be justice and peace for all.


When we are learning, we commit to perseverance, working with creativity and positivity, while showing courage and resilience as we hope to achieve our ambitions.


Through our thankfulness for God’s love and generosity, we humbly offer our service to others.
