Please find below our most recent Ofsted reports and relevant information from the Department for Education Performance Tables.
We are delighted that the inspection team captured exactly what it is like to be a child here at Brightwalton - the first paragraph really reflects our school,
'Children are happy and confident at Brightwalton. They love to learn. Leaders and staff
are building pupils’ resilience and confidence successfully. Pupils feel well cared for.
As one child said, ‘There’s always a happy spirit going around.’
The team found very strong evidence of the many strengths of the school, which mean so much to us and on which we work so hard. We are rightly proud of our children's achievement, behaviour and personal development, which are nurtured by our dedicated team of staff and governors.
Performance Data
Please use this link to find our latest performance data. The data held here is the 2018 - 2019 data, which is the most recent data available, due to the government changes made to assessment and reporting arrangements during the pandemic.
Further information on school accountability expectations can be found here.