Our school lunches are freshly prepared on site every day by our cook. All meals are nutritionally balanced, with vegetarian options available every day.
All children in Ash, Cherry and Elder Classes are entitled to a free school lunch daily. This can be ordered on a daily, weekly or termly basis from home, or daily by the child in school.
Any child may be eligible for a free school lunch, as a result of their circumstances - if you think your child may qualify for this, please contact the school office.
If you decide that your child will bring in a packed lunch, it should not contain nuts, sweets, chocolate bars or drinks. All packed lunches should be in a small lunch box or bag and be put on the trolley provided by the pupil door.
Water is provided at lunchtime and throughout the day in Early Years. Children in Years 1-6 may bring water in a small (500ml maximum), clear bottle, with a non-spill, sports top.