
Brightwalton C.E.Primary School

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Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium

The Government believes that the Pupil Premium, which is additional to main school funding, is the best way to address the current underlying inequalities between disadvantaged children and their peers, by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantages reaches the pupils who need it most.  Disadvantaged children are those who have possible barriers to learning due to factors beyond their abilities and the school environment. The amount given is linked to the number of children in the school who fall into various categories, for example those in receipt of Free School Meals (FSM) due to financial circumstances, not those entitled by age under the Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM) arrangements. The funding can be spent at the school’s discretion, to meet the needs of any disadvantaged children or those made vulnerable to underachieving in their learning due to various barriers, ensuring they make the best possible progress.


At Brightwalton Primary School, we have fewer than the average number of children who are eligible to receive the Pupil Premium. On an annual basis, we first ensure that all our children receive good quality classroom teaching, with high expectations and challenging targets, then we carefully consider the needs of the children receiving the Pupil Premium as a group and as individuals, assessing the barriers to learning they might encounter. We also take into consideration our ‘normal’ extra and SEN provision and the impact that has had, before allocating this money on additional provision and support; this can take a  wide range of forms. The effect of the pupil premium is measured in the outcomes and impact of our strategies, detailed in the reports below.


If you think your child may be eligible for free school meals please contact the school office to find out more.

Recovery Premium

Schools have been allocated a Recovery Premium for the 2023 - 2024 academic year, to support the needs of children most impacted by the pandemic. The amount received in this school is £2000 and has to be spent in combination with the Pupil Premium Budget, so it is included in the Pupil Premium Strategy above.
