
Brightwalton C.E.Primary School

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We are fortunate to be working with the West Berkshire Mental Health Support Team (MHST), enabling us to access training, advice and support from a team of mental health professionals. In order to learn, children need to be well in all senses of the word - physical, mental and spiritual -  with healthy bodies, minds and relationships.

Using techniques like yoga, structured breathing, visualisation, relaxation and mindfulness, we aim to provide children with a range of tools to help them manage their emotions and deal with stressful situations. We encourage children to talk about how they are feeling and acknowledge that it is quite usual to feel a range of emotions and these will come and go throughout the day.

Our Mental Health and pastoral Leader is Mrs Harding.  Our trained ELSA practitioner Mrs Lyford - please scroll down for resources.

Workshops led by the Mental Health Support Team (MHST)


Staff from the MHST have given an informative presentations on 'Supporting your Child with Worries and Anxiety' and 'Emotions Coaching'. We have included their handouts below, which we hope you find useful but, if you are concerned that you child has more significant emotional needs or anxiety, please come and talk to our Senior Mental Health Lead, Mrs Patterson.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation for children
