Medicines - Please inform the school if your child has an ongoing medical condition, whether they are on regular medication or not. If your child requires an inhaler, please ensure that your child has an inhaler which is in date. Inhalers are kept in the staff room so they are easily accessible.
Children finishing a course of medicine following an illness, may attend school if they are well enough. Medicines are kept in the office and should be handed over to a member of staff in the morning with a signed consent form. It is the responsiblity of the parent to ensure the medicine is taken home.
Accident Reporting/First Aid - All accidents are noted in an accident log, indicating the cause and treatment given. Minor incidents resulting in bumps and grazes are treated with water and/or ice packs and a plaster will be applied if appropriate. If the child has had a bump on the head, we will message you via our school comms system WEDUC, monitor the child and provide a form for your signature at the end of the day.