
Brightwalton C.E.Primary School

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Curriculum overview

Please scroll down to the end of the page for further information about specific subjects.


Our intention for every child in this school, is that they experience a rich, ambitious curriculum, which stimulates their curiosity, challenges their perceptions of the world and equips them to be happy, healthy humans. We plan for them to have a clear understanding and appreciation of their lives in our beautiful locality as well as a global context, while developing an awareness of and respect for the diversity of cultures and lifestyles found further afield in the UK and wider world.


Opportunities for problem solving will grow their creative thinking and build resilience, as they learn from mistakes on their journey to success. When they take their next steps, they will know how to keep themselves safe and choose to be respectful, kind, responsible young people who contribute positively to our world, shining a light where they can improve life for others.


We have high expectations for all our children and aim to provide them with the very best teaching and learning experiences, so that they can try hard to do their best and improve. While striving for high academic standards, we value all achievement, offering a range of opportunities for children in sport, the arts and the development of personal skills. We are committed to equality of opportunity for everyone, catering for the needs of all our children.


By providing a caring ethos in which children can explore their own faith as well as the faith of others, we aim to develop their spiritual, moral and social understanding. Our children deserve a quality environment and we believe that everything we offer from buildings to books, should be the best we can achieve.


Teachers ensure they have good subject knowledge and present content clearly, encouraging discussion. They identify possible misconceptions and ensure these are addressed, therefore teaching is responsive to pupil needs and feedback is constructive and timely. Assessment is used to check understanding and inform planning. Early Reading and Phonics is prioritised, with a sharp focus on pre-skills such as language comprehension and communication skills. Teachers model high standards of spoken and written English.


Curriculum content and Organisation

We follow The National Curriculum and the Early Years Framework, aiming to teach a broad and balanced curriculum through both individual subject teaching and cross-curricular sessions and topics.

Our school provides a curriculum which strives to develop the work of individual children according to their age and ability and has developed a Long Term curriculum plan which incorporates the current statutory National Curriculum subjects of English, Mathematics, Science, Design Technology, Computing, History, Geography, Languages, Art and Design, Music and Physical Education. Also included in the Curriculum is Religious Education, and Personal Social and Health Education (including citizenship and sex education).

We recognise that children learn more effectively when the educational experiences they receive in school are of a meaningful and practical nature, and when many of the starting points for study are based in first-hand experiences.

We aim to develop skills which can be used and developed purposefully in the study of other subjects. Class teachers develop sequences of learning taking account of their own and their pupils’ passions and interests This means making use of the locality and the grounds, and bringing artefacts and nature into the classroom and the use of drama and investigation.

As children are unique individuals with their own specific educational needs, aptitudes and learning styles, we are ‘child-centred’ in our approach to curriculum delivery and aim to be flexible enough to take into account the different avenues of interest and study that can be generated by a theme or topic.

