
Brightwalton C.E.Primary School

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I am very proud to be the Headteacher at Brightwalton C. E. Primary School. You have only to visit us to realise that, although we have the caring and nurturing feel of a small school, our curriculum offer is big. We believe that every child has a unique contribution to make, so we seek to develop a love of learning through a rich curriculum and an extensive range of extra-curricular opportunities.  Our large, bright, inviting classrooms are well looked after by everyone and our outdoor learning areas, including a large field and walled, wellbeing garden, are spacious and well designed.


Challenged and supported as individuals by our experienced staff team, our children make good progress and achieve success. Placing an equal importance on academic, moral, social, physical and spiritual development, ensures confident, well-rounded, independent learners, who leave us prepared for the challenges, experiences and responsibilities of the next stage of their education. We aim to build self-confidence and emotional resilience by offering leadership opportunities, allocating specific responsibilities and supporting children in taking risks socially, physically and with their learning. 


Being part of a church school comes with its own privileges and expectations, with everyone working together to ensure that all can flourish. Our vision that we can all shine as a light in the world for the good of all others, underpins everything that we do; we work towards this through our core values of Service, Perseverance, Wisdom, Friendship and Trust. At Brightwalton we have a wide understanding of spirituality and its meaning to different people, encompassing and extending beyond that of the Anglican church. There is a focus on being in touch with everything and everyone; there is more to life than you can perceive with your senses. This relates to all areas of life and can be seen strongly in key areas of the curriculum including Art, Music, PE, and RE.


PE and sport are an integral part of our school, with a emphasis on all children having an enthusiasm for sport and achieving their personal best. However, there is also a recognition of excellence and we compete at a very high level in many sporting competitions, often as the smallest school there.  Our children recognise and accept that some children are outstanding, but they learn that this is ok, and that they can be good at something else. Sports ambassadors are used as part of our Pupil Leadership Team and children are encouraged to coach others to allow them to realise their own strengths and worth.


As Brightwalton is such a small village, many of our families live outside the catchment area in the surrounding villages. We encourage you and your child to visit us, so that you can see for yourself how our children thrive. Please contact the school office to make arrangements. 


Mrs Sara Slade

Headteacher/Designated Safeguarding Lead


