
Brightwalton C.E.Primary School

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Ofsted Inspectors say that there is a "culture of care" in our school. Pupils enjoy school; they feel safe and well cared for by their teachers.


‘Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined as: protecting children from maltreatment; preventing impairment of children’s health or development; ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care; and taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.' Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023


Brightwalton School takes seriously its commitment to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and expects all staff, governors and volunteers to share this commitment. The Governors have appointed Mrs Sara Slade as the Designated Safeguarding Lead for the school and Mrs Carla Harding is the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead. The school will ensure that recruitment and selection processes reflect their commitment to safeguarding and all candidates will be subject to Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks where appropriate, along with other employment checks. All staff use CPOMS to record and manage safeguarding information and our policy document can be read below. 


Safeguarding children is everyone's responsibility.

If there is immediate risk of harm to a child, call the Police on 999.  

If you are concerned about a child's welfare or worried they are being abused, you can make a referral to West Berkshire Council Children and Families Social Care Services Telephone number - 01635 503 090 or email You may find this link helpful

School staff only

Please click the link below and log in to record an incident.


